Friday, December 15, 2017


Have you ever stepped on a weighing scale after a rigorous diet and got the shock of your life?

Unexpectedly, the high intensity workout and diet plans that were very promising seemed to have failed in the weighing scale tests.  you sometimes go for partying and eating all junk but the weight does not even budge the next day! Why the unfair weight fluctuations? What is the reason behind them?
Well, one thing that we all should know is that it is almost impossible for sudden extra weight gain to be fat. True weight gain is slow. It takes time just like true weight loss. 1 kg weight gain will require around 7000 calories which is practically impossible. So whats the reason behind weight to drop the next day and shoot up the next?
When you step on the weighing scale, the machine weighs your muscles, bones, fat and your organs. Apart from this it also weigh
  • The water in our body
  • The liquids you have recently taken in
  • The undigested foods you have eaten
These can cause big fluctuations in our weight. When you drink a glass of water, it weighs 250gms and this one glass has an immediate impact on the scales. If some salty food is added, its sodium acts as a magnet to attract and hold more water. Paradoxically drinking insufficient water is another cause for water retention. When the body senses its becoming dehydrated, it retains as much fluid as it can
HORMONES: These also play a major cause in weight fluctuations. The female hormones are pretty much related to water retention especially before menstruation and during ovulation.

MEDICATIONS: Medications like high blood pressure and anti-inflammatory drugs are also responsible for weight fluctuations.

CARBOHYDRATE RESERVES: The body stores carbohydrates for later use as glycogen in liver and muscle tissue. Glycogen holds water in a ratio of 3gms water to 1gm glycogen, which makes it bulky and heavy. The body depletes and replenishes this store of glycogen and water. In weight loss mode, reserves are low and when you eat, the body replenishes them along with accompanying water.

FOOD WEIGHT: The food eaten also adds on to weight till it is fully digested and absorbed into the blood stream. As discussed earlier it takes 7000 calories to gain 1 kg body weight in 24 hours. That means around one kg of butter if eaten can add on to 1 kg weight but on the other hand, 1 kg of salads will only weigh extra till the time it is digested since the calorie yield is low.
Constipation could be yet another cause for weight fluctuations.

POST WORKOUT WEIGHT: Straight after a workout, the weight is less due to water loss during perspiration and glycogen loss during respiration. But this only lasts till you have your next meal.

  • Avoid weighing yourself post cheat days. The days that you eat junk, your body might be retaining water depending upon the sodium intake along with the undigested and uneliminated food.
  • If suffering from constipation, seek medical advice to help you out.
  • Taking a detox diet which involves drinking good amount of fluids helps you get rid of sodium which brings down the excess gain.
  • Maintain a diet dairy. Every time you weigh more you can cross check the dairy to know your weight gain culprits.
  • Take your waist measurements each week. If scales go up but waist is same, then you know its water, rather than fat your cells are holding. 

Egg White Vs Yolk.... Which is Healthier?

The humble egg is considered a super food by nutritionists thanks to loads of nutrients it is packed with. A rich source of protein, eggs have other essential nutrients like iron, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin B12, selenium, choline, and amino acids. Thus, there are no doubts about the goodness an egg offers. But, is it the egg yolk or the egg white that is more beneficial? Read on to know who is the winner.
Egg White - Low in calories, rich in protein, zero fat, zero cholesterol
Egg white is a low-calorie and fat-free source of protein, which also comes loaded with potassium, sodium, calcium, riboflavin, niacin, and magnesium. Primarily known for helping in losing weight, egg white also contributes to building muscles. Thus, by eating only the egg whites, you get the majority of the protein part that a whole egg has to offer and eliminating the intake of cholesterol that is found in the egg yolks.
One big egg white can provide about 4 gram protein and of the 70 calories of a whole egg, only 17 calories constitute egg white. It has no cholesterol and no fat unless you use oil while cooking. Thus, egg whites are the preferred choice for body builders as they are low in calories and high in protein.
Including the low-fat, protein-rich egg white in your regular diet will also aid in weight loss and reduce the risk of heart disease.Egg yolk - Rich in vitamins and minerals
Egg yolks have more vitamins, more minerals, and more fat than egg whites. Egg yolks contain vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E, and K whereas egg whites do not have vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Unlike the egg whites, egg yolks are rich in cholesterol and have a minimal amount of protein.
Considered to be a good source of the essential fatty acids, egg yolk offers higher amounts of phosphorous, folate, selenium, and calcium. Along with these nutrients, egg yolks are also extremely rich in iron, carotenoids, and vitamin A.
The carotenoids and vitamin A in the egg yolk are known to improve the health of the eyes and the eye sight.
A large egg yolk contains 4.5 gram of fat, 66 mg of phosphorous, and 245 IU of vitamin A, thus helping in regulating the electrolytes in the body.
Vitamin K helps in preventing blood clotting, stopping the degeneration of the muscles, increasing the levels of testosterone, and reducing inflammation.
Choline present in egg yolks is said to improve cardiovascular health and to decrease the risk of breast cancer in women.
The only hitch here is that the egg yolks contribute to adding LDL in blood cholesterol. However, several recent studies dispute this fact and emphasize that whole eggs are to be consumed as part of the diet irrespective of one%u2019s age and condition.
Nutritionists advise consuming 4 to 7 eggs per week and they insist that it is neither the egg white nor the yolk is a loser, but the whole egg is a winner.

Cold & Immune System ( Video in Hindi)